Tuesday, 17 September 2013

 the term miss-en-scene is the arrangement of sensory and properties to show and give an idea of where the play or movie is supposed to be set. Mise-En-Scne is a french term and originates rom the theatre, it basically means "put in the scene". for film it has a broader meaning and means everything that goes in to the composition of the shot.

harry potter uses miss-en-scene to make you think that the film is shot in a magical building far away, when in fact most of the filming was taken place in the uk and the buildings they used are spread across UK. They use ancient looking scenery so that the audience think its a hole different society completely and that its set in a completely different world. they use dark scenery to show a mysterious mood and place.


  1. Rahim, you provide a definition of 'miss-en-scene' and found an appropriate extract. You were asked to write 300 words, which you didn't manage to do. You may have found this tricky to achieve in the lesson. In which case, you need to be developing the speed of your research and analytical skills.

    Rahim, you have had a very good week in class. You contribute to class discussions, and you work well in a group. Please do keep an eye on your punctuality, particularly in the break between the double lessons. You must only have 5 minutes. If you aren't able to do that, I'll need to stop you having a break. I don't want to do that, so please make a real effort next week.
