Wednesday, 19 November 2014

small scale research project, catologue draft

Catalogue draft: does Ryan Gosling create meanings within his films?


Item 1:
half nelson produced in 2006 dir. Ryan Fleck.
image of Ryan Gosling in Half Nelson
this is relatable to my area of topic as it shows how ryan gosling creates meaning through his performance as he clearly shows the two sides of his character the role model teacher figure and the drug addict struggling to fight his temptation.

Item 2:
drive produce in 2011 dir. Nicholas Refn.
This item shows how Ryan Gosling uses his performance to create meaning as throughout the hole film he is doing this to give the audience an understanding.

Item 3:
crazy stupid love produced in 2011 dir. , .
this is a good item to show how Ryan gosling creates meaning through his performance as within the film he through his performance he shows to the audience that his character Jacob has fallen for Emily as his performance is different to when he's with other girls.


Item 4
Empire, in cinemas: Half Nelson by Angie Errigo. Issue 215 may 2007 page 52
This relevant to my area of topic as it shows that Ryan Gosling created meaning through his performance in half nelson by expressing two sides of the character clearly the cocaine addict and teacher. Also he was nominated for an Oscar showing his performance in this portraying meaning to the audience was remarkable.

Item 5
QandA by Rebecca Carroll in the independent film and video monthly volume 28 number 7 September 2005.
This is sportive of my question as it shows Ryan Gosling creating relation between his acting role and experiences in real life in the film 'the believer' giving him a deeper understanding to his character and role, therefore showing he creates meaning through real life emotions he has actually experienced.


Article on Ryan goslings life by
it stats that in the 10 films he's appeared in, he's been nominated for 32 different awards. it also explains is a cross over star, who critics and audiences love. The fact that he sticks to a lot of indie films that are challenging roles and expresses his apparent love for acting, and shows even though they are challenging roles he still creates meanings as he has been nominated for 32 awards.

this item supports my statement as it stats that he won two golden globes for his performances in crazy stupid love and ides of march, it also shows that even with a extreme pressure Ryan gosling doesn't crack as he made 4 films in 2011 being drive, blue valentine, crazy stupid love and ides of march (all Hollywood blockbusters) and in each of them different meanings from his variety of his performances. Gosling was not over exposed as in all performances he was different.

this article is relatable to my area of topic as it states that Ryan gosling has not only pursued, but also actively developed, films that challenge the audience to engage with characters and circumstances showing he creates meaning through his performance to creates a strong engagement with audiences. the article also talks of him choosing small scale projects, he makes these small scale films into blockbusters with his apparent love from audiences. the fact that he also chooses different roles within completely different films also makes him flexible with performances.

this item also supports my question as in the interview we find out that Ryan Gosling did research to make his character Jacob in Crazy stupid love real as he learnt and practiced how to make cocktails or his role and also practiced in a band. Showing Ryan Gosling practiced his performances to suit and create meaning with his character.

YouTube clips
Item 10
interview with Ryan Gosling for crazy stupid love
explains he did research for his characters pick up lines to create meanings through his performance and that the clothes he wears for specific roles and the cast list help a lot while acting.
Item 11
extract of performance from opening scene of drive relevant as it is from my supporting film and also shows how he creates meaning through his performance, useful as it is primary coming straight from the film.
Item 12
Extract from half nelson.
shows clearly his performance constructing character through showing his conflicting sides. Part of my focus film, primary source coming straight from film.

Three items I didn't include in my catalogue were:
I have excluded this item from my catalogue as it disagrees with my statement as it believes in a rating of best actors and actresses Ryan Gosling comes at 34.
the complete history of Ryan Gosling by Annie Silman is relatable to my topic of area as it gives a complete history and background of all the films and shows Ryan Gosling has appeared in, including the awards he was nominated and ones he won for all my focus films.

Filmmaker volume 14 issue 4 July: check your head by Ross Mathews
this item is relevant to my topic of area, however it mainly repeats what has been said in some of my other items and it isn't necessary to involve it in my catalogue.

1 comment:

  1. Rahim this is a good start, I think that once I have had confirmation on your questions from WJEC of our choices i will gee you more feedback.
