Wednesday, 3 December 2014

the last day of my life

the audience know its the last day of the main characters life, as the beginning sequence is him being killed or dying (this sequence will be the only bit with dialogue and natural sound in the rest of the film will be a silent film with no dialogue, tension and emotions expressed through the music) we then flash back to the beginning of the day of the last day of his life, we follow him around what occurs in this the audience already knowing what is going to happen to him at the end.lots of dark sinical  shots. he gets shot or stabbed at end, and we find out here with the entrance of sound and dialogue that he accidentally killed this mans younger brother, and the hole day he has been rejoicing this sin. black and white?
themes: sadness, rejoice, revenge, sorrow, regret, faith, friendship, family 
characters:only one character, we don't find out his name. at begining of film we know nothing about him as the day goes on we find more and more about him, making his death at the end of the film impact alot more on the audience then at the beginning 
setting: center of London, allot of traveling. dark, tall, old, overpowering buildings foreshadowing his death
Plot: the plot of the story begins with the character being killed, stabbed. even though the audience find this out from the beginning there will be a flash back leading up to th explanation as to why he has been shot. we see him visit a grave yard, a church
narrative:circular narative finishes how it begins with the man dying going to use the same scene, the flash back of his day- starts in the morning when he wakes up, he travels to visit a grave lays flowers, spends most of day walking round depressed, his day ends with him being stabbed and dying

story board
first shot: high angled shot of character lying in pool of blood, slow motion, moves into close up of lifeless face, coloured with background sounds
flashback-black and white
first shot of flashback close up of him asleep similar to him when he was dead he wakes up and the camera follows him
pan shot of room stopping at picture of him and friend, he enters frame picks it up, we then have low angled medium close up along the floor of him getting dressed, he leaves shot. shot through door of him leaving house he then opens door. train station purley oaks-quiet medium long shot of him from opposite platform train stops obstructs view of him and he gets on. montage of film sped up of train journey.  exits train low shot of feet walking off follows him. long shot acrosss grave yard he enters shot, goesd to colose up of flowers bacl to same long shot watches him put flowers on grave medium close up of braking into tears.
medium-long shot side on to character walking, trolley following him walking medium some one bumps into him, shoulder shoulder shots as two talk, cuts become quicker as agression builds, long shot in narrow ally with two characters placed perfectly at the end of frame we see other character drag him in to ally, quick close up to the hand of other character holding a knife side on medium shot see a sharp stab close up of his face on the guys shoulder the guy moves away and he falls resort back to same image we saw at the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Rahim I really like this idea, creative, intriguing, you need to spend sometime developing tho idea starting with the character, genre, themes. You could make something really special with this!
